My rating: 5 of 5 stars
About :
Best friends, big fans, a mysterious webcomic, and a long-lost girl collide in this riveting novel, perfect for fans of both Cory Doctorow and Sarah Dessen; illustrated throughout with comics.
Once upon a time, two best friends created a princess together. Libby drew the pictures, May wrote the tales, and their heroine, Princess X, slayed all the dragons and scaled all the mountains their imaginations could conjure.
Once upon a few years later, Libby was in the car with her mom, driving across the Ballard Bridge on a rainy night. When the car went over the side, Libby passed away, and Princess X died with her.
Once upon a now: May is sixteen and lonely, wandering the streets of Seattle, when she sees a sticker slapped in a corner window.
Princess X?
When May looks around, she sees the Princess everywhere: Stickers. Patches. Graffiti. There's an entire underground culture, focused around a webcomic at IAmPrincessX.com. The more May explores the webcomic, the more she sees disturbing similarities between Libby's story and Princess X online. And that means that only one person could have started this phenomenon---her best friend, Libby, who lives.
Review :
This book was REALLY GOOOD !!!!!!!!!!
Everything was great, mysterious, awesome and addictive.
Characters:Really awesome
Story: The author deserves a round of applause of this stunning book.

Narrative: Steady, Third person.
Setting: New York, US.
Cover: I adore it !! It's possible to get an sticker of princess X? If you know where I can get one, let me know in the comments, I want one.
Both story and cybercomic was increible, I love the illustrations and that ending, I LOVE IT.
Conclusion: Read it, just do it...

Don't think too much about it, just start reading, it's a wonderful story about friendship and how the protagonist was right all along.
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